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Monday, July 28, 2008

Meeting Cousin Charlotte For The 1st Time

We finally had a chance to meet little Charlotte. My brother and his family live out east and we rarely have the chance to see them. They also hadn't met Simon yet so it was so great to have them visit.

Charlotte all tuckered out from a brisk morning walk. This was the day after they had arrived from Ottawa...I think she was still a little jet-lagged.

Simon and Charlotte playing on the activity table together.

Charlotte having a little story time with her Daddy.

Isabelle and her little cousin, Charlotte. She is just one month younger than Simon.

These next succession of photos is quite funny. You can see the dynamic between Simon and Charlotte and Isabelle off on the sidelines trying to stay still for a photo.

Charlotte interested in Simon, looking like she's going in for a hug.

Isabelle making one of her silly faces.

Charlotte still interested in Simon...I think she might be interested in what he has in his hand.

Charlotte: "I'll take that Simon!"

Charlotte: "It's my comb...I'd like it back please!"
Simon: "I'm still looking at it..."

Uncle Terry trying to distract Charlotte with a ball...

Clearly, she is not interested in the ball but has her eyes set on the comb.

Charlotte: "Yoink...at last, my comb!"
Simon: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Somehow, Simon manages to get the comb back.
Charlotte: "Okay, I'll do anything you want...just don't hurt me!"

I think Simon is being just a little bit greedy.
Simon: "Oh, what's that?? Something I want I think."

After a busy morning of fighting over a comb, Simon decides to have a little pick-me-up at the airport.

Saying good-bye to Auntie Manon and Cousin Charlotte. We sure had a great visit and we miss them so much already. Can't wait to see them in just over a month again!!

1 comment:

Manon said...

Noriko, I love your play by play of the comb fight. LOL.