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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

6 Months Old Today!

Simon is 6 months old today! He's not quite sitting up on his own yet and he is a long way from learning to crawl but he learned how to roll over really well a couple of weeks ago. He also spends more time on his belly and actually enjoys it!! We started him on solids a few days ago but he's not quite as excited as Isabelle was when she first started. Isabelle actually wanted to try new foods and accepted the baby cereal really well. Simon makes a lot of funny faces when I try to put food in his mouth. He also had a very strong tongue-thrust reflex a few days ago and has only just started figuring out how to push food to the back of his mouth. I also think he's a little hung up on breastfeeding still. We're going to stop for a few days and try again.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

he doesn't seem to be suffering without solids!! Man you have some good milk!! Those second babies are always trying to be individuals!! Wouldn't it be nice if they just fit the mold!!